Managing Contacts in ITM
Last Updated : Saturday, 12 February 2011 by Mike Zandvliet   
This article describes some of the many features that ITM has for managing and sharing contact information across your organisation.

Unlike traditional training management applications, which are typically only accessed by training managers, ITM is specifically designed to be used by learners, instructors and assessors in addition to training managers. A major advantage that this brings is that contact information for all of these people can be easily kept up to date and verified by the people themselves rather than forcing the training manager to maintain all that data, and thus becoming a bottleneck for accurate and timely updates.
Organisations that use ITM have consistently found that this approach results in more accurate contact information (particularly amongst actively engaged members), less work for managers, and easier sharing of data.

ITM has a number of features that make it easy to find, utilise and export the contact data it contains.  These are:
  • The Contact List page – filter by Organisation Group, Training Group; and Contact Status, sort or group by any column, and sub-filter by keyword.
  • The Search function – find the person you are looking for based on any part of their contact details
  • Contact reports – easily exportable as PDF or Excel. If your organisation needs a particular format or layout, please get in touch and we can design a custom report for you.
  • The Export to Excel feature, available through the Excel icon at the bottom of any list page. This exports the list you are looking at to an Excel file you can then change and format as you wish.
  • Recent Updates List – this allows you to see who has updated their details since a given date
  • Export to vCard – this gives you a simple way to add a person’s details to Microsoft Outlook or any other software that supports the vCard format. Just click on the vCard icon in the contact list or on an individual contact record.
  • The Duplicate Contacts feature gives managers the ability to merge contacts together when they are duplicates of the same person.

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