Using Administrative Requirements
Last Updated : Sunday, 16 April 2017 by Mike Zandvliet   
This article describes the Administrative Requirements feature of ITM. Administrative Requirements are non-training related items to track on a per-person basis - i.e.: police background checks, drivers license checks, and completion of forms such as Code of Conduct, Health and Safety etc.

By default, requirements apply to every member of your organisation. You can however also configure them to apply to any combination of Training Groups - do this on the edit screen for the requirement.

Because Training Groups can be set up to use Automatic Membership based on criteria that you set - Administrative Requirements can be easily tracked against large numbers of contacts without any overhead effort. For example, if you have set up a Training Group to only refer to contacts with an Active status, then when one of those people becomes inactive, the Administrative Requirement will automatically no longer apply to them.

You can see a list of all the existing requirements by clicking 'Admin Requirements' under the Administration menu. This menu item will only be visible to people with the Administer Organisation Contacts security privilege. Request that privilege from your Organisation Administrator if you do not see this menu item.

A list of applicable requirements will also appear on every individuals personal profile page (in edit mode) - under the 'Admin' tab. This allows users to:
  • - See what requirements are outstanding for them
  • - Where enabled, gives them the ability to mark the requirement as complete
  • - View any documents uploaded about existing completions
Note that individuals will always be able to see this information regardless of their privileges. Anyone with Contact Edit privileges will be able to see and edit completions for other people. Users with only Contact Read rights will only be able to see their own completions and outstanding requirements.

Tracking Progress
ITM tracks progress towards a 100% completion rate for each requirement, based on the number of people that the requirement applies to. For example, if the requirement applies to 100 people, and 35 have completed it, then you will have a 35% completion rate.
Admin Requirements progress tracking

Expiry Notifications
Some administrative requirements will naturally have to be renewed on a regular basis - for example your organisation may have a policy of obtaining drivers license checks for your staff every 2 years to enable them to drive company vehicles. To support this, Administrative Requirements can be configured to expire after a set period of time. If enabled, weekly notifications about upcoming expiries can be sent to the requirement coordinator. Additionally, one-off notifications can also be sent to the individuals who need to do the renewal.

Note that notifications are only sent to people with a valid email address and who currently have an active status. This ensures that people who leave your organisation will not continue to receive alerts, as long as you have updated their status.

Individuals can unsubscribe from their own expiry notifications on their 'My Preferences' page. Coordinators can elect not to receive expiry notifications by adjusting the settings of each Admin Requirement they are the coordinator for.

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